Earn money by selling email hosting services and get 25% out of every sale. Our email hosting starts from $25 and the maximum it’s $105. Meaning if a client choose an email package of $105 you collect the $105 and you send us $79 that is 75% and take the $26 your 25% as your commision.
Information required for email hosting account creation
If the domain is a .co.zw domain the following information is required
- Fullname of the domain owner
- Phone number
- Personal email
- Physical address
- Core business
- Domain name eg ww.yourcompany.co.zw
All the above information is required by ZISPA the organisation that manges .co.zw domains.
If the domain is a .com meaning your emails will be like info@yourcompany.com then the following information is required
- Fullname
- Phone number
- Domain name eg ww.yourcompany.com
When you send the 75% of the payment for the selected package and the above required information, your account will be activated and start working within 24-48 hrs. All other communication for next year renewal will be done through client email. This commission only applies on the first year. The second year the client will pay direct to syrup web services using available payment methods, ecocash, paypal, innbucks or usd cash.
We offer client support, we help the client setup the emails, how to login , how to add the email on phone or Outlook.
For more information contact us on +263716112377 or email nyasha@syrup.co.zw