Web designing refers to the creation of web pages or files that are displayed on the internet. An example of a website is Syrup Web Services. The most popular terms used in web designing is JavaScript, html and css. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software development.
In most cases A web designer works on the appearance, layout, and, in some cases, content of a website. This differentiate it from web development which focuses much on the server side functions of the website. In web development the common terms and languages it’s PHP , python , ajax etc. A web designer is much focused on appearance, for instance, relates to the colors, font, and images used on the website. The way the website is displayed , the colors etc , it’s the work of the web designer. But the user interaction part like login , register , post upload etc these are the works of the web developer.
At Syrup Web services we so both web design and development. Web design in general the clients sees it as both the design and development of the website , hence to avoid confusion because of terms we usually advertise just saying we are web designers and we have just split our services into two types of websites. The company website which is basic site without any user interaction it’s just the display of information (web design) and the E-commerce site , an interactive site (web development ). Layout refers to how information is structured and categorized and suiting the user group and brand of the website.
As the keystone of a web designer’s output is a site that wins and fosters the trust of the target audience, removing as many potential points of user frustration as possible is a critical consideration.
The most common methods for designing good websites that work well both on desktop and mobile are responsive , mobile and adaptive design. In responsive design, content moves dynamically with respect to screen size; in adaptive design, the website content is fixed in layout sizes that match common screen sizes.
It is important to Preserve a layout that is as consistent as possible between devices to maintain good user engagement. The design should fit well on every device that’s on mobile , tablet or desktop. As responsive design can present difficulties in this regard, designers must be careful in relinquishing control of how their work will appear. We also offer hosting for websites and emails in Zimbabwe
Samples of web design services
For samples of our work click here
- www.laquizine.co.zw
- www.zimsagoodies.com
- www.roarpharma.co.zw
- www.fundachild.co.ze
Prices for web development and design services
Company website $80
E-commerce website $180
Contacts for web developer
+263716112377 or land +2638644290689 or email nyasha@syrup.co.zw